2008 Mar.Vol.10 No.2


Setsu Shimanouchi 5
Original Article
Research on the Support Processes for Promoting Healthy Workplaces by Public Health Nurses of General Health Insurance Societies and the
Related Factors
Miho Tsutaki and Noriko Nishikido 7

Review Article
Review of Literature on Childcare Support Provided by Public Health Nurses : Current Status and Challenges Facing Childcare Support
Maki Kasai and Kayoko Kawahara 14

Preliminary Reports
Approach concerning Individual Health Education for Osteoporosis Prevention to Adolescent Female
Hirofumi Kurokawa and Yoshie Yokoyama 20
The Practice and the Meaning of Visiting Bereaved Families for Nurses Engaged in Home Terminal Care
Chika Hiraga 26
A Study on Practicable and Effective E-mail-based Intervention Methods for Improving Lifestyles
Itsuko Ozaki, Michiko Konishi and Kazuko Katakura 33
The Survey of the Engineersユ Mental Health and the Factors of the Stressors at One of the Semi-conductor Makers
Saori Miyata, Mituyo Okabe and Shinobu Sakurai 40
Mothersユ Emotions That Produce Discrepancies between the Imagined and Real in Child Rearing
Naomi Takada and Asami Tatsumi 47
Nursing Interventions of Public Health Nurses Visiting Housebound Elderly People to Expand Their Daily Activities
Shinobu Tawara and Miki Tokinaga 54

Smoking Behavior and Personality in Female Student Nurses
─In Preparation for Smoking Cessation─
Michie Baba, Kazuko Nishida, Tomoko Fujimaru, Naoko Kodama, Naoko Ito, Toko Imamura and Yoshiko Tuyama 63
Procedure of the Public Health Nursing Program Making Practical Use of Advanced Program
Miki Marutani 72
The Characteristics and the Significance of the Activities of Public Health Nurses belonging to Public Sector and Private Sector
─Interviews with Public Health Nurses Working at Nonprofit Organizations after Retiring from Public Sector─
Ayako Yamamoto, Hiroshi Murayama, Atsuko Taguchi, Sayuri Kobayashi and Sachiyo Murashima 79
Analysis of Community Empowerment Process on Mini-Day-Service Activities
─Using Community as Partner Model─
Mariko Kageyama, Tomoko Ito, Mieko Moriyama and Junko Sasaki 85
A Survey on the Enrollment Times in Community Health Nursing Courses at Colleges
Yoji Yoshioka, Yumiko Kinoshita, Yumiko Shimizu and Noriko Okuyama 94
Comparison of Awareness about Health Guidance among Public Health Nurses and Government Administrators
Michiyo Hirano and Kazuko Saeki 101

The 10th Anniversary of Japan Academy of Community Health Nursing
Misako Miyazaki and Kiyomi Asahara 108
